Many forum members have participated in various fund raising events and I thought maybe it is ok if I squeeze in this request from the Central Ohio Greyhound Rescue for our four legged friends in need.
On May 3, 2008 we are having our 3rd Annual Reunion Picnic and Silent Auction. We hope to make this our best event to date. The event is being held to cover the costs of the expenses from the greyhounds we have taken in, to raise money so we can continue to find homes for these wonderful hounds & to get the word out on how great these hounds are as pets! I am writing to see if you would consider donating an item or two for our silent auction.
If you would like more information concerning your donation you can contact me by email at: [email protected]; or by phone: (work & home): 419-595-2567 & (cell): 419-863-9555.
Fr Randy Giesige