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Welcome to the Portrait Artist Forum.

(1) If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ.

(2) We are a Forum only for those who are serious about portrait painting as a career . Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to help in training those who have not achieved a minimum level of skill, thus the approval process for full Forum privileges.

(3) For full Forum access, including posting privileges, you will need to complete a two-step registration (click to start registration process).

The first step consists of filling out a short form. In the second step, we ask you to send 2 examples of portraiture where WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND, BUT DO NOT REQUIRE, THAT AT LEAST ONE BE PAINTED FROM LIFE and the other, if not done from life, must be from your own source material. Please understand that we highly encourage learning to paint from life as an important part of the learning process. Also include a little professional info about yourself. These samples are submitted to the Board for approval and you should hear back by email in approximately one week though it could be longer if Board members are traveling.

To start viewing messages without logging in or registering, select the forum section below that you'd like to view. Most sections are available without registration or without logging in. However, a few are not.

  Forum Last Post Topics Posts
INTRODUCTION - Moderator: Cynthia Daniel
Support the Forum thru a recurring or non-recurring donation. Learn further details about making a donation and how the Forum has helped other members.
2 69
ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ THIS SECTION! After you've read it, when the red light is on in the future, please check what has been newly added.
06-14-2008 07:39 AM Go to last post
14 27
Learn about using this forum and some of its unique features such as private messaging, subscribing to a topic, saving posts in your own folders and more.
7 9
NEWS! - Moderator: Cynthia Daniel
When the red light is on, please check for updates regarding new or changes in the Forum or general portrait news of interest.
by SB Wang
03-20-2023 10:42 PM Go to last post
56 460
Member News (16 Viewing)
Announcements regarding members, either posted by the member or someone else posting about a member.
by SB Wang
12-25-2022 10:31 PM Go to last post
214 2,827
Portrait World News (6 Viewing)
News items of interest to anyone in the portrait world but not related to this Forum or the SOG main site.
by SB Wang
05-23-2022 02:25 PM Go to last post
63 420
The purpose of a moderator is to keep topics on track, to help members who have difficulty posting and to ensure the posting rules are followed.
02-13-2012 02:38 AM Go to last post
10 83
Feel free to enter a bio of any size and a photo of youself in your studio or a sample portrait.
12-21-2018 09:51 PM Go to last post
306 2,775
Talk about your convictions and philosophy of art, whether teeth should show or not, painting from photos, something uplifting or even a a friendly debate.
10-11-2021 10:11 PM Go to last post
539 6,837
DEMONSTRATIONS - Moderator: Cynthia Daniel
06-29-2008 07:23 PM Go to last post
33 243
CREATING THE PORTRAIT - Moderators: Chris Saper
Questions to ask or information to share about best oil paints, pastels, pencils, canvas or paper, types of brushes, etc.?
03-05-2018 02:54 PM Go to last post
280 2,676
Not sure how to paint checks? Want to know about glazing. Post your questions here, or if you're an expert, share your knowledge.
07-18-2019 03:55 PM Go to last post
251 2,440
Composition (18 Viewing)
Do you use the Golden Mean? Are backgrounds your downfall. Not sure if a composition you're considering is good?
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 12:47 PM Go to last post
52 884
Color & Color Theory (11 Viewing)
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 12:52 PM Go to last post
38 612
Find questions and answers here regarding your concerns.
03-25-2012 11:11 AM Go to last post
12 116
Painters' Palettes (12 Viewing)
Do you have the inside scoop on the palette of some well-known painter? Or are you a member who has had many requests for your palette? Post it here so others can learn.
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 12:59 PM Go to last post
34 486
Framing the Portrait (5 Viewing)
Post questions and information here related to framing of portraits.
45 264
by SB Wang
03-04-2020 12:13 AM Go to last post
30 362
THE STUDIO - Moderator: Mari DeRuntz
Studio & Equipment (10 Viewing)
General discussions related to the studio setup and equipment used both on and off site, excluding specific photo equipment & photography discussions.
03-24-2016 02:48 PM Go to last post
85 886
Would you love to see how others have set up their studios or want to show off yours?
10-11-2009 05:18 PM Go to last post
16 135
PORTRAITS FROM LIFE - Moderator: Michael Georges
Technical, instructional and practical info on portraits painted from the live model, not utilizing photography as the reference source. Post your philosophical positions in the Caf
by SB Wang
10-20-2021 06:06 PM Go to last post
26 303
In painting from life, how do you determine the pose? Your vantage point? How do you choose to light the model? Both technical and practical information welcome.
15 153
Methods of Seeing (10 Viewing)
How do you achieve likeness and proportion? Sight-size? Relative-size?
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 02:53 PM Go to last post
20 314
Share ideas, tips, and the practicalities of setting up your studio. What considerations are particular to the live sitting?
10 138
NO NUDES. NOT FOR CRITIQUE. Post your finished portraits from life here. If you
05-14-2017 05:00 PM Go to last post
130 1,214
Open Studio (16 Viewing)
NO NUDES, CRITIQUES WELCOME. Post your portraits started and finished in a single session, usually about 3 hours. Open studio work generally differs from more finished paintings that may involve many sittings and hours.
05-14-2017 05:02 PM Go to last post
233 1,784
PHOTOGRAPHY AS A TOOL - Moderator: Mike McCarty
If your photography question or comment doesn't fit into one of the sections below, then please post here.
40 298
Anything to do with non-digital cameras and other photographic equipment. Post questions and info regarding digital cameras, photographing your subject or painting in appropriate section below.
16 63
Digital cameras (22 Viewing)
Post your questions or experiences with your digital camera here.
09-03-2013 10:06 PM Go to last post
84 1,013
This is a moderated section. This means your post will not appear immediately and must be first reviewed and approved by the moderator.
17 47
Have a photo as reference material for a portrait, but you're not sure if it's a good choice or what challenges might lie ahead. Post it here for commentary from other members.
12-17-2013 11:39 AM Go to last post
275 3,075
Information about creating good source photos from which to paint or about simply lighting your subject if you paint from life.
26 182
02-11-2013 11:49 AM Go to last post
20 159
Be cautioned that comments could come from beginners or pros. NO ANIMAL PORTRAITS. POST NUDES IN APPROPRIATE SECTION...and please don't post your whole portfolio since there are a limited number of qualified members to
Use the word "critique" as password. This is to keep out search engines.
Log in to view 0 0
Oil Critiques (68 Viewing)
Post your oil portrait here for a critique from others! Please see second post in this section on how to attach an image.
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 09:37 AM Go to last post
729 7,055
Pastel Critiques (18 Viewing)
Post your pastel portrait here for a critique from others! Please see second post in this section on how to attach an image.
12-29-2013 06:19 PM Go to last post
222 1,964
Drawing Critiques (20 Viewing)
Post your portrait drawing here for a critique from others! Please see second post in this section on how to attach an image.
220 1,894
Post your portrait in other mediums here for a critique from others! Please see second post in this section on how to attach an image.
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 09:15 AM Go to last post
82 630
When posting your art, please also include the painting that you copied. Please see second post in this section on how to attach an image.
94 676
As always, our major focus is on pure portraiture. However, there are some excellent members who do figurative work and like to share this from time to time. NUDES should only be posted in the appropriate NUDES section.
by SB Wang
02-27-2020 09:20 AM Go to last post
34 298
Tasteful, classic nudes nudes only. No photo references.
48 375
If you're in the middle of a painting and having trouble, please post here.
Private 275 4,403
Animal Critiques (1 Viewing)
We are no longer accepting critiques for animal-only portraits, however, for those interested, you can still read posts from the past.
10-23-2002 06:39 PM Go to last post
29 120
Completed portraits only. NO NUDES and NO CRITIQUES here.
05-25-2017 12:15 PM Go to last post
1,133 11,719
Some works are clearly figurative and not portraiture. Please post these here. NO NUDES and NO CRITIQUES.
02-08-2018 10:27 AM Go to last post
185 1,495
Before release to public view, work will be reviewed for relevance to the Forum's educational mission. Only classically inspired, completed works of art as opposed to works done in open studios or quick studies. NO CRITIQUES and no photo references.
47 436
Portraits created through Wendy McArthur's 9/11 Portrait Project can be posted here. All 9/11 portraits not part of this official project should go in Unveilings. ONLY FOR COMPLETED PAINTINGS.
07-18-2007 02:27 PM Go to last post
7 33
BUSINESS SIDE OF ART - Moderator: Michele Rushworth
Anything related to the business side of portraiture including contracts, copyright issues, working with the client, marketing, etc. Portrait reps & art marketing consultants would post advice here.
345 2,868
This is a good place to exchange information about experiences with scanners, printers, software & ask any computer-related question.
71 595
If you have questions on making your own painting video to sell, this is the place. Or, post a request for a video by a particular artist.
02-24-2008 09:32 AM Go to last post
4 29
CLASSIFIEDS - Moderator: Michele Rushworth
Want to sell or buy 2nd hand art products? Or, have a service to offer?
Items Wanted (7 Viewing)
08-13-2014 04:23 PM Go to last post
24 144
Items for Sale (5 Viewing)
27 71
01-09-2006 06:20 PM Go to last post
1 3
HISTORICAL - Moderator: Mari DeRuntz
Share your knowledge about conservation and restoration, ask a question or share a resource.
03-21-2012 10:48 AM Go to last post
17 100
Artists of the Past (24 Viewing)
Post discussions, questions & information here about artists of the past including books on them. Who do you think are the top masters?
10-09-2023 06:12 AM Go to last post
91 701
14 201
Resources on the Web (6 Viewing)
17 89
Individual artists and art marketing consultants giving seminars or workshops should post here. Regional and national events given by the portrait societies should go in Portrait Societies - Events & Announcements.
27 43
04-21-2011 08:50 AM Go to last post
48 213
Post any questions or thoughts here about art books or videos. Recommend your favorites or tell us about an article about or by you. See Chris Saper's book announcement here.
92 399
Scholarships, competitions, work opportunities, rewards offered.
03-05-2020 05:20 PM Go to last post
50 168
Know of an excellent school or atelier? Have a question about someone else's experience at a school or workshop? Curious how to prepare for a workshop?
89 750
PORTRAIT SOCIETIES - Moderator: Cynthia Daniel
Check out the list of winners or current SOG finalists & entries at the portrait society competitions.
34 315
Local and national portrait societies should post information here. Please post competiton winners under the category above.
58 127
Want to know the experience of other artists who have attended the portrait society events? or have questions about entering a society competition?
by SB Wang
03-18-2009 03:08 PM Go to last post
21 245

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