Welcome Rob! Honest purveyors of quality materials are inevitably helpful to the community of people who paint in oils, most especially in these latter days, when so many artists have little or no knowledge of the foundational crafts that are the basis for their art. Certainly that requires the firm foundation of sound, good quality painting supports!
Some questions which may help you "sell" us on your products:
Does your firm produce your roll-canvas in-house?
Does your firm produce your stretcher bars in-house?
What is the advantage/disadvantage of fir vs. pine, given the cost difference?
What is the source of your fabrics?
Do you or your partner have a background as studio artists?
What is your background/ training in the production of painting supports?
How can we obtain samples? What's the cost for a sample kit?
Please feel free to explain in depth what you perceive as "European perspectives" on painting supports, (as opposed to "new world" perspectives ?) I'm confident you will find a rapt audience for your point of view on these boards.
Originally Posted by Claudemir Bonfim
. . . I'd like to try your mansonite panels.
??? I didn't see panels offered on the website ???