Hi Sharon...Yes I think photos are history now... unless I absolutely can't get away from them with some commission work.. the photo was taken before Greg settled on a pose.. once settled he had his head canted slightly more..thanks for the tip on squinting... this is something I have'nt done before and have to get into the habit of doing
Hi Michele.. thanks for stopping by... Its amazing the different colours you can see in the skin that cameras don't show..wish I had made this move earlier.. my big decision now is whether to commit myself to pastel or oil.. I only have a small portrait set of Rembrandt pastels and would like to buy the full set of Unisons ... not cheap though..
Hi Alexandra... thank you for stopping by.. Greg is actually the model.. I'm Bruce

Greg was very happy with the portrait.. he commented that I had stolen his personality ..I am going to set up my own studio and hire my own models...portrait groups are great and a lot of fun.. but they do have limitations..ie there is only one optimum position for the model with the available lighting and if you're not there early you have to take whats left... I also want to try different poses and use costume to depict differents eras and lifestyles. ..Greg is a fabulous model.. he doesn't move an eyelid .. and he's agreed to pose for me .. lifes good.
Bruce Johnson