I just found out today that I will be participating in an OPAL program (Online Programming for All Libraries) this Friday. It is a neat kind of program, where you can sign in and participate in the conversation live! For anyone who misses it or can't be online at that time, it will be archived.
I am not completely sure what the program will cover, I think they will present a slideshow of my work and I will discuss it and answer questions. A friend of mine does this program every first Friday of the month and invited me to be a guest this month, hopefully leading to me having my own, recurring spot!
Here is the information that I have: The OPAL site is
http://www.opal-online.org/index.html and this program is held in the Atrium. It will be this Friday, October 7 at 11am Eastern time. Here is a link to the page that lists the event:
http://www.opal-online.org/progschrono.htm I will be making a guest appearance on the program titled "First Fridays: Where in the World are Jessa and James?"
I'd love to see forum friends there, and I hope I don't say something stupid!