Dear Beth:
First, congratulations on our first post of a portrait from life! It is really quite nice.
How long did it take you?
Secondly, I was not at all offended by your request for critique, and you may ask me any time in the future.
As you asked for comments, here are some thoughts I have:
Generalized lighting: I think that if you had expressed a stronger light source and direction that the portrait would be stronger for it with higher highlights and darker shadows and better modeling of the form.
Cool patches in skin: I think the cool patches in her skin in her cheek, behind her shoulder, and on her foot are too bold and could use blending or toning down a bit.
Pants too bright: I think her pants are a bit too high in value and lead our eye away from her face. Also, the red patch in the knee is confusing. The leg underneath may need to be toned down as well to make it look like it is more under the body.
Sharp edges on arms: I think the arm edges are too sharp - this may be a factor of the picture of the painting, but look at them and see.