"I'll e-mail you some more suggestions."
Thank you for being so supportive, I will go for your suggestions.
"Tremendous painting, Allan: it looks effortless, as if it just flowed from your hand. There is not a trace of angst or indecision in your brushwork."
thank you Simon, I think that I managed to catch the degree of action in the brushwork that I was hoping for.
By the way, I think that this "flow" is also one of your characteristics. I liked to watch your WIP of the boy with the dog.
"Allan, I have admired this painting, of yours, for a while now and I agree with all the comments already posted. I can't believe I have not voiced it already but I have many times. I just now got around to post it. Grate job Allan!"
I think that you have said that, but I like to hear it again and again and.........
Thanks, Allan
"I thought i had already posted on this painting, but find I had not. This painting is so smashingly good that I would be remiss in not telling you so.
What I like most about it is your distinctive style. It is so you and so vibrantly alive. Over time you may find ways to add to your technical prowess, but do not change your style. I agree with Garth it is an award winner. Let us know how many gold medals you end up hanging on your easel.
By the way you could easily make a living doing portraits. Time to advertise, advertise, advertise!"
I trust you and have already taken action on advertising in the form planing to submit portraits to a competition.