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Old 02-21-2008, 09:24 PM   #1
Posts: n/a

I am a registered member and a proffessional portraitist.
I just read the discussion about a protected critique area.: I have nothing against the idea of having an open qritique section. But how about having the cafe protected? I am sure the discussions would become more lively with more honest statement and opinions.If not everything you say is "broadcasted" to your potential clients.
Just a thought.
Old 02-25-2008, 05:54 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Unregistered
I am a registered member and a proffessional portraitist.
I just read the discussion about a protected critique area.: I have nothing against the idea of having an open qritique section. But how about having the cafe protected? I am sure the discussions would become more lively with more honest statement and opinions.If not everything you say is "broadcasted" to your potential clients.
Just a thought.
"seaprotection"? title should be searchengine protection.
Old 02-25-2008, 11:53 AM   #3
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I am sure the discussions would become more lively with more honest statement and opinions.If not everything you say is "broadcasted" to your potential clients.
Just a thought.
The prospect of one's clientele getting wind of intemperate or untoward remarks is actually a rather effective de facto governor that seems to inhibit most excess and abuse. Whether it also stifles candor would be hard to say, though it's certainly the case on this forum that some of the highest caliber practitioners rarely venture an opinion beyond technique. Other less restrained members occasionally make up for that. In any event, anything that a professional would not want his or her clients to ever find out about is perhaps something that would best be kept under wraps or posted in some other password-protected forum anyway.

And remember that even material posted in a password-protected area can be easily cut-and-pasted and can show up other places in all its glory, or its ignominy. Many a post has been redacted or removed -- perhaps in time, perhaps not -- in a morning-after reappraisal of the wisdom of being quite so "honest."
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
Old 06-18-2008, 07:55 AM   #4
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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I am puzzled by this discussion, because any time I've tried to send other painters who aren't members of this forum to a thread here to see some images I've posted, they tell me that they can't access the site.

You're right, though, Steven; all you have to do is to to put a name or word into a search engine and the googlebots will come up with any site that includes them, whether private or not. Discretion is definitely the better part of valor here.

Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio

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