Great job Janet!
I missed this one.
I like this one so much better than the ones you have done from photos. It has life and energy and it's own personal style. Don't worry about the mistakes. Just do lots of them ( self portraits-not mistakes). David Leffel does at least one of himself every year. According to one gallery owner I talked to in Carmel California, it is an honor for a gallery to be granted the right to sell that year's portrait. I have my own opinion on that particular subject.
It is so much better to work extensively from life, even if it is a still life of peanuts, before launching into a portrait career.
Two books I would recommend are "The Practice and Science of Drawing" and Oil Painting Techniques and Materials", both by Harold Speed and published by Dover Editions, available at
Too many aspiring portrait artist begin their careers copying photographs and assume once their copy is close to the photograph, they are a skilled portrait artist. Nothing could be further from the truth.