I had the pleasure of seeing this little painting in person yesterday in Midland, Texas. It is just lovely and this image does very little to show it off.
I have a few questions for Bill and he gave me permission to post them here. (I've made bold what I consider the most important questions to me - in case you cant answer all at once).
First, I will tell you - on my screen - the vibrancy of the painting does not show up at all. It is very small and the detail is great. The blue ribbons are much brighter than shown here. The lace and ribbon parts on the painting are the tiniest dots of paint - just perfectly placed! I believe it is the only area of the painting where there is some thicker texture. Her hair and skin is just luminous. Her arm in shadow fades from the light in just the perfect way. There are sharper edges and clear lines (like the dark part of her hair above the bun/ponytail) and much of it so soft... The cloth itself is all different tones of gray - which suprised me as I have in the past always thought of shadows on white as usually bluish.
One of the things I am most curious about it the quality of the surface of the painting. It is a very very even sheen. No glare, but a beautiful sheen. Hard to describe actually. Very smooth, except where the paint is raised up a bit for texture.
Here are my questions Bill:
The size of this?
What was the support used? Some kind of panel?
Tell me about that frame - the curator was going on about it being gold leaf. I'd like to know your supplier.
I'd like to know the mediums used. You have mentioned marogers before. I ordered some and have never used it. Do you put it in each paint nut? What percentage?
If it wasnt the marogers with this one, were there other mediums used? The surface quality of your paintings is so fascinating - something I'd really like to acheive.
Did you sand this painting to get it so smooth? Or is this just something you do well from the begining?
This may be back to the medium used, but: Studying it up close makes me think the paint was much more liquid in consistancy than how I am using mine.
What is the consistancy of your paint when you apply it? The details at the ribbon and lace are so small and look as if they are applied as drops...
This is going to sound silly - but my word- how do you paint so small!? Your brushes must be tiny! And your eyesight must be outstanding!
Uh - I am sure these are enough questions for now to keep you busy...
Thank you!
Oh - one more! The curator chatted me up for quite awhile and ended up showing me the portfolio you sent him concerning commissions. (I prmoise, I didnt ask and I am not a stalker!) The quality of the prints were outstanding - how did you have those printed? Were these regular film photos? Digital prints?