Wow, some really great advice from you guys! Just reading all the replies makes me want to go back and rework the drawing NOW. (of course, I am at work, that always happens when I am at work!) Garth, your suggestions are great and in no way heavy handed! I welcome any critique/criticism from this group as I know I will be steered in the right direction! That is what I am here for. To learn and someday be a decent portrait artist. :-)
My only comment about the color is that in the original drawing I used no red at all (primary red, that is). I used a lot of burnt sienna and umbers in this, but the digital picture for some reason makes his hair as bright as Ronald McDonald! I will try to retake the photo, but will wait until I make my changes that you and Sharon have suggested. Sharon, I had no idea that my portrait would change so much after taking it out of its element and placing it on a warmer color! Just that tip was what I needed, I think. I read your reply and was in instant agreement. I will try it! This is just a practice piece and a learning tool. I am fairly new at pastels, so I know I have much to learn.
Hopefully I can get a revision of this drawing up within the next few days. Thanks everyone!
Jennifer Redstreake Geary