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Old 05-09-2004, 10:24 PM   #11
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Great response!


What a great response. I agree with you that it's all about respect, in probably just about any professional relationship (and personal too). Here is my questiont though, HOW do you respectfully decline a job once you've shown up and seemingly shown up because you are interested in the job. I'm not saying I would feel forced to do the job, just want to know some of the good ways of getting out of it without offending the client. I wouldn't want to offend a client and have that person 'bad mouth' me.

Not like this is a big problem for me, just wondering!

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Old 05-10-2004, 08:26 AM   #12
Tom Edgerton Tom Edgerton is offline
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They're not a client until you've signed a commission agreement. Until then, you are involved in a "pre-commission" give-and-take. If you discuss the aims for the piece--what they have to have and what they're flexible on, and the same for you--what your procedure and business practices are, price, size, and so forth, and you get a really bad vibe off of them, or basic disinterest, uncooperativeness or what have you, you can simply say:

"You know, the more we've discussed this project, the more I realize that our objectives may not be in sync. I just may not be the artist for you, and that's all right. But if you feel later that something has changed and you still want to pursue it, I'd of course be interested in discussing it with you then."

This is a graceful exit. And occasionally, when I've shown this kind of dipomatic backbone, a difficult prospect has suddenly realized that I'm not the proper target for their bad day, or that I'm not going to suffer their ego just because they think I should, and they've turned around and gotten serious about the project and become very cooperative and willing to work out the sticking points.. Not often, but hey, it's happened.

You're not married to someone just because they showed interest in your portfolio. You both have to get something out of working together.

I know sometimes the wolf's at the door. But it's part of "business Zen." Some of the best advice I've gotten was from a professional salesman, who told me the attitude you hold in mind is "I'd like your business, but I don't need it." It keeps you from looking desperate, and telegraphing to someone that you can be taken advantage of, or at the least, that you're not worthy of respect.

"The dream drives the action."
--Thomas Berry, 1999
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Old 05-11-2004, 05:52 PM   #13
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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Graceful exit

Thank you Tom for your eloquent response, what a graceful way to get out of a potential commission once one senses it won't be the best experience for all concerned. I will file that one away for future reference.

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