Judson, your work has a special flare to it. This individual post is good as is but then it all depends how far you would like to go with it and or your art.
As is there are proportion or distortion issues. If this is done from life then these proportion issues can be corrected using the comparative measurement system.
The jumps from one value to another most often are gradual. In a extreme when you have a black shade and on the other you have a white then to make that thing turn or give it form, if it is a arm or leg, one must give it accurate gradation of half-tone. I am sure you know this and so if you apply this principle you can make it work. Think of each limb as a can or a PVC 6" pipe or something. and paint it flat value-color, first shadow side then light side then half-tone. When you have that then add the variations muscle form within the value you are working in. As you add the muscle form these to have a shadow side, light side and half-tone within that value.
When working with value always think of light that is falling. The closer a object to the light the brighter that part of the object is. The further away from the light darker it is. This principle applies to anything even highlight.
Keep up the good work.