long time no post. It's good to be back.
Right now, it's the beginning of summer holiday in Australia. Hopefully I can get more drawings done.
This is my latest drawing, the biggest regret is working on Grey paper. I can visualize a much better version of this drawing if I had used paper with warmer colors. Any way, what's done is DONE. I can only hope to do better next time.
The model is my German friend Dina, did a drawing of her last year(
http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/322/dinada6oo.jpg ), this one is my attemp at a looser approach.
15" X 20"
2B, 4B graphite pencils + Cretacolor Nero #1 + red & pink colored pencils + white pastel on grey Canson paper.
A bigger image can be found here:
Thanks for looking.