Vignette for your thoughts-my first post here
Hello to all you talented artists! This is my very first post here of my work. I am nervous and intimidated by all the wonderful portraits here. I guess I should look forward to a good cry once I hear your thoughts but hey, that will motivate me to improve and I need a good cry. I'm joking about the crying. I won't weep uncontrollably. It'll probably be just tear or two.
I am looking forward to your thoughts even though I will not be able to follow up on your suggestions on this one as it has already been presented to my client. I will however, do my best to apply what I learn to my next commission so catch me now before I make a mistake on it.
This is a pastel on Ampersand Pastelbord. I really like the texture it provides. I used a combination of Nu-Pastels, Rembrandt's and a variety of pastel pencils. I worked mainly from my own relatively inadequate photo which is something else I plan to improve from browsing this site. I have cropped in a bit on the image because of an annoying shadow that crept in. The board size was 16" X 20". From the top of the head to the bottom of the chin was between 6 1/2" and 7". I have had difficulty photographing my work. The color isn't perfectly represented but as close as I seem to be able to get.
Thank you in advance for your input and suggestions. I look forward to applying what I learn here.