It is with trepidation that I step back into this discussion. There are several points that I think could be of value to improve your painting.
Although the little girl, fuzzy animal, dress, etc., are fine in this portrait, I am having a problem with the chair. The two swift highlights on the chair behind her head are too illustrative to fit with the realistic style of the front of the painting. I would eliminate those two strokes and have a flat value behind her head. I would also eliminate the white highlight on the chair next to her (our) left knee, and the white highlight next to the wood chair arm on (our) right. I would also take out the line above the (our right) chair arm, the darker line that delineates the back of the chair from the side of the painting.
The three highlights on the (our) left chair arm are all too much the same, same size, same length. You might want to vary them a little.
Everytime you have a highlight outside the focus of the painting, your eye is drawn to that highlight. The beautiful child is competing with the less important chair.