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Michele Rushworth 04-14-2002 01:09 PM

Critiques of Chloe
1 Attachment(s)
Could you please let me know what you think of this painting? I'm not sure I've color balanced the jpg files as accurately as I could. The dress is more blue in the real painting, etc.


Michele Rushworth 04-14-2002 01:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a closeup of the Chloe painting.

Peggy Baumgaertner 04-14-2002 01:50 PM

Just a quickie, Michele. The highlight in the (our left) eye is too light. Knock the value down one or two spots.


Michele Rushworth 04-14-2002 05:59 PM

Oh, you're right! Thanks. The catch light couldn't be that prominent on the shadow side.

Peter Jochems 04-14-2002 06:02 PM


Just one compositional comment, the line of the inside corner of the chair only 'touches' her hair on the (for us) left side. Perhaps making the hair on the left side broader so it overlaps that line a bit more will make the composition a little more harmonic.


Virginia Branch 04-15-2002 07:17 PM


I think it is a beautiful painting. It is very realistic. Your skin tones are well done too. Nice work.

Mike McCarty 04-15-2002 11:25 PM

Michele, I like the little girl very much. The way she is posed in the chair with just the suggestion of the stuffed animal works very well, and her hair is beautifully done. If I had to make a criticism it would be this... you have rendered the little girl very crisply. Maybe if you could take a little shine off the chair. If you add some brush stroke and softened the edges to take some of the sheen off, it might not compete so much with the crispness of the little girl. Real nice job.

Leopoldo Benavidez 04-16-2002 09:05 AM


The strong point for me in your painting is the composition and, of course, the way you captured the endearing charm of Chloe! We can always find something to change or critique even in the best of portraits but why? You have said enough with this one! Well done.........L

Morris Darby 04-16-2002 11:35 AM

I agree...
This painting needs to be in the "Unveiling" section, not the "Critique" section.

Mike McCarty 04-16-2002 11:52 AM

I would not disagree with Leo. There is always something to nitpick. I have too often gone back on some well intended mission only later wishing I had left well enough alone. Yours is certainly well enough to be left alone.

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