The dancer
Here is a ref. photo for a painting I'm about to start. I am attaching the original photo, then my touched up version, cropped and leveled out like I want it. (notice the ballet bar behind her head).
What do you think about this photo? Is this a good ref. photo for a painting or does it just make for a great photo? I'm shooting for a local show called "The Art of the Dance" and thought this was very striking!
Is there a tangent problem with the top bar behind her? I do need to retain the proper distance from the floor/wall line up to the bar...I am going to include the bar...adds to the "dancing" theme, of course...I think I need it in there.
Opinions, anyone?
P.S. In the "touched up" version, also note the light glare I removed and the leg/chair I "painted back in" in photoshop...ALSO, I accidentally saved the altered version with a little "fill flash" having been applied..I had done this so that the print out would come out a little brighter, but plan on painting in the darker shadows on her face as the original photo shows. I forgot to undo it before I hit save...and that is the only copy that has the glare removed..I printed a darker copy to paint by and just will remember that the saved version is too light. or is it? lol
Last edited by Monique McFarland; 03-17-2006 at 03:11 PM.