Marvin's technique WIP
This is the portrait of Sarah I started over the weekend. With Marvin Mattelson's approach, the first stage is called the wash in which is really a wipe out. First the canvas is oiled with linseed oil. 4" of raw umber is mixed with 50/50 linseed oil and mineral spirits (2 drops) and 1/3 drop of clove oil. The clove oil keeps the paint pliable enough to work for at least six hours. The paint is applied to the canvas in the value of the shadow side and then the portrait is "drawn" on with a paper stump. The light is created by wiping paint off with a cotton rag. As you get into smaller areas, like the white of the eyes you can use a paper stump or a kneaded erasure and the darks can be painted in with a paintbrush.
I apologize for the awful glare and I am not sure I can use this wash-in because it may be too dark. But I think, even at this stage it looks pretty cool, kind of ethereal! Perhaps this will be interesting to some of you who may be thinking of studying with Marvin or taking his workshop in Atlanta in January. Beginning a portrait this way is so easy and so much fun. (Before I started on the canvas I completed several drawings of her to get to know her face as best I could).
I hope the painting progresses well enough for me to want to post more wip images...wish me luck!
Thanks for looking