Simmie wrote the following:
President's portrait - President Clinton specifically asked that his portrait depict him in the Oval Office and include the American flag and his collection of military medallions. I suggested the Presidential flag in order to balance the composition. The pose is one that we both agreed upon because of its frontal position. The eyes follow the viewer as you move from one side of the portrait to the other. I suggested the blue tie to enhance his blue eyes. (It was the Christmas season when we started, and he was wearing a snowman tie.) The blue tie and gold draperies are compliments and create a visual movement. The mallet behind the President's right hand is made from historical pieces of wood from the White House and Independence Hall. I used the opening in the window to isolate his head.
First Lady's Portrait - The First Lady is portrayed in a pantsuit because she wanted to be portrayed as an active, contemporary woman. She is the first First Lady to be painted in a pantsuit. I suggested that her aqua pantsuit be painted black because it would contrast with her fair coloring and the light background and would be more graphic and dramatic. The chair to her left is a White House chair. On the table to her right are her book, It Takes a Village, a small Chihully vase, and a plate that she designed for the White House. These objects represent her involvement with the arts. Her broad smile is a break from the traditional demure smile in classic portraiture. I felt that it captures her personality and depicts her at her best.
All in all, I am pleased with the results of my efforts; and after sitting on them for three and a half years, I am delighted with the positive responses I have received. Since the portraits were unveiled, I have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the response - interviews, emails, never-ending phone calls, letters, flowers, champagne, and kind words of congratulations.
Thank you for all that you have done, Cynthia; and thanks to all of those who have said so many nice things on your SOG forum.