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Cynthia Daniel 06-14-2004 10:57 AM

Simmie Knox on TV
Turn on either CNN or MSNBC. I'm downstairs and dont' know which channel. Unveiling of Clinton portraits I think.

Stacey McEwen 06-14-2004 03:03 PM

I just saw this article about Knox on CNN - also related to the unveiling of the Clinton portraits:


How nice to see a portrait artist in the news!

Cynthia Daniel 06-14-2004 03:57 PM

I heard that Simmie will be interviewed tonight on Paula Zahn. Most likely at least part of today's unveiling will be aired throughout the day. It was on both MSNBC and CNN. There is also an NPR interview lower on the page here: http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown....n-2004&prgId=3

Michele Rushworth 06-14-2004 05:02 PM

Kudos to you too, Cynthia, for attracting many of the very best portrait artists to the SOG main site, like Simmie Knox. It's a tribute to your professionalism that artists like him choose you to handle their online presence.

Cynthia Daniel 06-14-2004 06:22 PM

Thanks, Michele!

My ISP happened to be registered to the Forum because of an earlier problem he had to solve. I forgot he was on there, but he ended up getting the email announcement I sent to all Forum members. He called me up and said he wished he'd known. He thought we were under possible attack today because the hits to my site and Simmie's were so high at times throughout the day.

Michele Rushworth 06-14-2004 06:39 PM


He thought we were under possible attack today because the hits to my site and Simmie's were so high at times throughout the day.
I also noticed a big slowdown on SOG throughout the earlier part of the day. I suspected it might have been because of Simmie Knox's thing. Good for you -- and him!

Cynthia Daniel 06-14-2004 06:48 PM

Yes, that was the cause. This is a case where we can be happy about a slow-down on the web.

I've also confirmed that Simmie will be on Paul Zahn at 8pm EST tonight.

Kimberly Dow 06-15-2004 12:23 AM

It was on Fox News as well - although just a quick flash of the portraits.

Patricia Joyce 06-15-2004 11:27 AM

There was a front page article about the portraits in the Cleveland Plain Dealer this morning. They are getting a letter from me, Simmie Knox was not named. In fact there was no mention of the artist AT ALL, as if the portraits just materialized out of thin air. :(

Never been a fan of the Plain Dealer, but this is the first letter they have gotten from me in a long time

steaming in cleveland!!

Do you know where I can view a good photo of the portraits?

Cynthia Daniel 06-15-2004 12:29 PM

Well, if you really want to start steaming, there is no artist acknowledge on the White House web site for the presidential and first lady portraits:


I emailed them quite some time ago to bring this to their attention, but I see it has not changed. Perhaps if everyone writes to them this might help.

As far as I know, there are no good images of the portraits yet available on the web. I've emailed Simmie to see if he already has a scan he can email to me or if he will send material for me to scan.

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