In my spare time
It has been a while and finally I found some time to working on this. I am not sure if I've mentioned this, regardless, this a study of a old master drawing in progress.
I used a A4 copy in order to make this drawing that now measures 68cm x 49cm.
My purpose of doing this drawing is not to make a perfectly rendered copy. No! This for me is a book written in a language that I wish to better understand.
My procedure was, I worked directly from the copy using the comparative method of measuring to produce what you now see. There was no prep-sketch and then transfer rather it was drawn directly with a charcoal on the Fabriano Umbria paper.
This stage is my favorite stage where one is able to recognize the slightest nonces that indicate or represent form. When one arrives to this point, the rendering of small form and beyond, one comes to understand the importance of accuracy in the previous preparation stages. Still, there is more one can understand here and I hope to get there soon with this. The camera cannot register this point of more and that is the point when one can make the skin values radiate, glow almost as if they lift off the page. Lifting of a highlight with a eraser has nothing to do with what I'm talking about one must experience it in order to begin and understand. I am but at the start and am beginning to realize that there is more to learn. What fun!