OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS for Portrait Artist Forum members!
You are cordially invited to voice your opinion and comment on our favorite subject.
Selections from various artists will be woven into an article for NYARTS Daily that will be a "discussion" of the meaning and role contemporary portraiture citing a dozen examples (total 800-1000 words).
Contributions should be up to 200 words (this post is approx 200 words) with one or two examples of portraits (even your own!) executed within the last 50 years. The title is "Love, Honor and Cherish: The Role of Contemporary Portraiture."
Love: To commission a portrait is a profound expression of love...
Honor: There is no greater way to pay tribute to an individual's lifetime of achievements...
Cherish: Contemporary portraiture captures elements of our world that we hold most dear for future generations...
Feel free to post your comments to this thread, or
[email protected]
[Word documents with separate jpeg files preferred.]
Deadline: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2003
Full credit will be given to each author for his/her contribution. There is no money involved, just great PR for portraiture.
A word about copyright: If you post it or send it, I will assume it's OK to use for this article. If you are not certain, just say so, and I will try to obtain permission if necessary.
(An argument in favor of posting your own work and what role YOU hope to play in portraiture.)
Thank you all for any time you give this,
Jeanine Jackson