Quick Glazing Demonstration
The glazing process is not necessarily a straightforward, mechanical application of transparent color but can be a starting point from which the paint can be further manipulated to achieve a desired effect. Ultimately the goal is to establish a believable (and appealing) local color while assisting in the modeling of the head.
The under painting below is painted on gessoed Saunders Waterford watercolor paper mounted on panel. The picture plane is 29cm x 22cm. The texture of the paper will play an important role in the glazing process.
Note the under painting is not perfectly monochrome. Some red has been worked into her cheeks, nose and ear. A little blue was worked into the area around her temple and forehead offsetting the possibility of the flesh tone becoming too warm. When these colors are glazed over they change in appearance. Blue becomes more greenish, red more reddish ochre.