Announcing the Release of
"Painting beautiful Skin Tones with Color & Light"
by Chris Saper
North Light Books 2001
(click book image to view and order from
For studio, library or coffee table, this beautifully produced intstructional book is a "must-have" for every portrait painter, from beginner to professional. This book provides the portrait and figurative painter a uniquely logical framework to make decisions about the painting at hand. This systematic, but non-formulaic approach emphasizes using the color of light to paint luscious skin tones quickly and accurately.
"Painting Beautiful Skin Tones" addresses Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, and Asian subjects in oil, pastel and watercolor. It is designed to help beginners start out right, as well as to meet the needs of professional working artists already engaged in subtleties such as edge management and color transitions.
Available at fine booksellers and on-line retailers. If you would like a signed bookplate, please see for details.
For my readers, please let me know what you think...your opinions matter a great deal as I look forward.