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Old 03-01-2009, 10:45 PM   #1
Janel Maples Janel Maples is offline
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Joined: Oct 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 328
Attention Pastel ARTISTS. Awesome set of pastels


I attended a workshop and didn't read the part where the student could CHOOSE, pastels or oils, to work with during the class so I purchased the supply list for both.

Dumb, I know.

Well, my stupidity will be someone else's smart purchase. I tried them, I don't care for working in pastels so unfortunately, I will never use them. I don't like to waste so.....

I have the following, barely touched, pastel sets available for purchase. I do not want to sell them separately.... the whole bunch goes together so please don't ask me to sell them separately. I just want to get rid of my inventory that I will not use.

See image attached, they are:

Prismacolor NUPASTEl 96 PC set (all full sticks except for 4. They are: 405 - P 50% stick, 211-P 75% stick, 2083-P 80% stick, 229-P 80% stick)

UNISON - 72 PC Starter Set (all full sticks except for 2. They are: A-49 50% stick, and BE-30 75 % stick)

UNISON - 72 PC Portrait Set ( all full sticks except for 2. They are: BE - 6 75% stick, and P-3 80% stick)

UNISON - 1-18 DARK SET ( all 100% full sticks)

Rembrandt - 30 PC Soft Pastels flesh colours set. (All full except for 2. they are: 411,9 and 409,3 both 80% stick BUT I have four extra sticks in there.)

Rembrandt - 30 PC Soft Pastels General Selection ( all full sticks except for 8 that range from 75 - 90 % sticks)

I paid $714.00 for these sets individually. I looked up all of the best sale prices and I come up with $654.00 using the best possible deal on each set.

I will sell all of the above for $500.00 Plus shipping and that will depend on where you are. I live in Wisconsin Zip code 54220 if you would like to figure it out.

Anyone interested, please email me at janelmaples@comcast.net


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Janel Maples
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