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Old 03-26-2005, 04:07 PM   #1
Joan Breckwoldt Joan Breckwoldt is offline
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VHS instruction tapes for sale

Hello, I have the following tapes for sale:

Peggy Baumgaertner's Instructional Video Series: "Painting the Head in Oil". This is a set of 12 videoes ranging from 30 minutes to 90 minutes each. The titles of the tapes are: Drawing the head, drawing the head in profile, anatomical planes of the head, lit and shadow, paint and palette (materials used), massing in three values, color correction, painting the head in 3-D, placing the features, correcting structure and detail (two tapes) and finishing. I paid over $300 for the set, maybe $350-360, I can't remember. Asking $200. (weighs 6 lbs. so $10 shipping should cover it).

Daniel Greene's "Oil Portrait, Bernard". 90 minutes VHS. I paid $79.95 for this tape new. Asking $45 plus $3 shipping.

"A Portrait in Watercolor" by Roberta Carter Clark. 81 minute video of head and shoulders portrait in watercolor. Asking $20. ($3 shipping should cover it.) Can't remember how much I paid.

"Prelude to Portraits" by Roberta Carter Clark. 65 minutes. This video covers the material you'll need "before you paint the portrait". . . . how to work from live models in charcoal and watercolor, blocking in the head . . . Asking $20. ($3 shipping). Can't remember how much I paid for it. Buy both Roberta Carter Clark tapes for $30.

I bought all these tapes brand new for myself, viewed them once or twice, so they are in like new condition. Please pay with a check or money order. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or want to buy these tapes: abreck@swbell.net

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