Originally Posted by Marvin Mattelson
You presume? Quite the compelling argument! Peter do you actually believe that having never heard of something is reasonable cause for assuming it's insignificance? How could any artist, unknown to you, be any good, let alone great? I have no response.
I think this discussion has gotten to the point of pointlessness. Christy, you can now go back to work.
The Boston School is marginal outside of the US Marvin as I think you know. As a point of fact it was contemporary more less with groups who in my opinion were doing far more interesting work including the Vienna Secession. That does not mean that they do not merit interest since they were virtually the only inheritors of the French Academy style but most artists did not reject modernism in the way that they did.
In terms of my own country I find the work of the Euston Road school, Victor Pasmore, Coldstream and Rogers more stimulating. Different traditions and matters of Taste I know Marvin but what is a guy to do?
As far as allegory goes would anyone care to argue that B is more profound or pictorially interesting than Klimt? I would be very happy to compare selected works of B with the University murals or the Beethovan Freize.