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Old 07-17-2005, 09:07 PM   #41
Denise Hall Denise Hall is offline
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This really is a great portrait - that little girl can almost laugh with glee - really and truly! You should be so proud of yourself.

Thanks for sharing this second portrait with us - and it was hard work that paid off on your part I'm sure.

Congratulations to you!

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Old 07-17-2005, 09:31 PM   #42
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Ngaire, Thanks! It was stressful to re-do... really am just glad to be done with it (again!). . . it took me three times as long this time around compared to the first. (Probably 'over-thought' it a little bit whereas the first time around was just going with the flow. . .)

Thanks Carol! My kids laugh at me because I tear up at the drop of a hat... movies... even commercials that strike a chord (these days, anything about kids growing up). You're reaction makes me feel like this communicates what I was wanting to convey. Thanks!

Denise --thanks so much!
Terri Ficenec
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Old 07-17-2005, 09:59 PM   #43
Carol Norton Carol Norton is offline
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[QUOTE=Terri Ficenec]Ngaire,
Thanks Carol! My kids laugh at me because I tear up at the drop of a hat... movies... even commercials that strike a chord (these days, anything about kids growing up). You're reaction makes me feel like this communicates what I was wanting to convey. Thanks!

Terrri, my kids laugh at me too, still. Mine are now 36 and 34. There once was a Kodak commercial that played a song about how we "turn around and they are small, turn around and they are ...gone." It showed kids through each stage...oh, boy. When that commercial came on, our kids didn't even watch it, they just turned around and looked at "Mom", saying, "There she goes again."

The emotional content that you got in your picture captures just what I strive for. The figurative that I just posted in the figurative critique section (Almost Ready) is a picture of my, now grown-up daughter, looking beautiful, with HER daughter on the bed next to her. It must not have had the emotional message yours did, or I would have gotten more responses. I took the photo while I staying with them on a business trip in Calgary. Oh, boy, better stop here.

You did an awesome job. Your message comes through loud and clear.
Carol Norton
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Old 07-17-2005, 10:00 PM   #44
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[QUOTE=Terri Ficenec]Ngaire,
Thanks Carol! My kids laugh at me because I tear up at the drop of a hat... movies... even commercials that strike a chord (these days, anything about kids growing up). You're reaction makes me feel like this communicates what I was wanting to convey. Thanks!

Terrri, my kids laugh at me too, still. Mine are now 36 and 34. There once was a Kodak commercial that played a song about how we "turn around and they are small, turn around and they are ...gone." It showed kids through each stage...oh, boy. When that commercial came on, our kids didn't even watch it, they just turned around and looked at "Mom", saying, "There she goes again."

The emotional content that you got in your picture captures just what I strive for. The figurative that I just posted in the figurative critique section (Almost Ready) is a picture of my, now grown-up daughter, looking beautiful, with HER daughter on the bed next to her. It must not have had the emotional message yours did, or I would have gotten more responses. I took the photo while I staying with them on a business trip in Calgary. Oh, boy, better stop here.

You did an awesome job. Your message comes through loud and clear.
Carol Norton
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Old 07-18-2005, 12:04 AM   #45
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Originally Posted by Carol Norton
. . . The figurative that I just posted in the figurative critique section (Almost Ready) is a picture of my, now grown-up daughter, looking beautiful, with HER daughter on the bed next to her. . . .
Hi Carol-- Of course I had to go and look up your 'Almost Ready' painting (very nice! ) I can see how that would be a poignant moment, with the intergenerational aspect... your own grown daughter, with her daughter and probably you feeling the passage of time and recalling similar moments when it was your daughter who was the little one. Too bad life doesn't come with a 'Pause' button, no?
Terri Ficenec
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Old 07-18-2005, 10:40 AM   #46
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Terri, what a sinking feeling you must have had when you knew this had to be repainted! The first version was so wonderful that it probably felt as though your masterpiece had been destroyed forever. I do like what you've done with it this time around; there's a lot more humor in the child's mouth now than before, and she looks even more mischievous and sparkly. Kudos to your not only bringing it off, but putting even more life into that little face the second time around. I didn't think it could be improved upon, but somehow you managed.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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Old 07-18-2005, 12:57 PM   #47
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Originally Posted by Leslie Ficcaglia
Terri, what a sinking feeling you must have had when you knew this had to be repainted!. . .
Thanks Leslie! you're right, it was not a good feeling. So glad you like how it turned out. This little painting pretty much ate up all the built-in 'give' in my summer schedule. . . Guess it's back to burning the midnight oil til am feeling caught up again.
Terri Ficenec
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Old 07-18-2005, 01:17 PM   #48
Kimberly Dow Kimberly Dow is offline
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My hat is off to you! I dont know if I'd feel I could do the same thing over again and make it come out even better like you did here.

It looks terrific!

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Old 07-18-2005, 02:57 PM   #49
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Great painting Terri!!!

The painting originally posted in this thread was damaged (don't ask)
I wanna ask ... Come on, give it up.
Mike McCarty
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Old 07-18-2005, 03:17 PM   #50
Isabel Chiang Isabel Chiang is offline
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I'm so sorry to hear this had to be repainted. But hey the seond take is terrific! You have captured a very very special moment. It certainly brings back some old memory.

I love it!!!!!!
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