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Old 08-26-2005, 01:01 AM   #21
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Belated congratulations! To paint three VIP's and have them all be equally thrilled with big smiles on their faces means that you did a wonderful job! How exciting!
Enzie Shahmiri
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Old 08-26-2005, 05:17 AM   #22
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Michelle, thanks for peeking in and for the support. I am meeting with one of the gentlemen this morning (yeah!) about other work so I will ask about PR. I do hate to miss the opportunity but I am also aware that some groups of people aren't so thrilled with others capitalizing on their position and I want to be sensitive to that. As far as marketing materials go I am with you 100%. Thanks again.

Brenda, I appreciate your thoughtful words. I don't think I "deserve" anything but can I just say it's a lot of fun to have people want to shake your hand...even if only for one day?!

, you said the nicest things. One, I am totally humbled by everyone here and genuinely feel I have miles to go before I am content (if that ever happens). Two, if you knew how I agonize over what I write so it comes across with it's original intent you would laugh. I write like I speak so not having personally met anyone I hope my tongue in cheek comments and silliness comes through. I worry that the printed word can be so misunderstood and everone is sitting at their computer's saying, "that girl is an idiot and she takes herself too seriously." LOL. Anyone else out there have a tinge of that? Anyway, your reply was so nice that I actually had a few minutes of relaxation along with a big "whew." I thought the sound I heard was something flapping in the wind so thank you for letting me know it was the sound of one kind woman clapping.

Garth, thanks! Yes, I like that word too. I laughed my behind off when it hit me as I was telling someone how the evening went. It just popped right off the tongue. I don't know if I will ever have something that will compare to your blinding cameras and news folks but it sure made my day. I think I will take your advice and paint more.

Marcus, you are always so generous. I am flattered by what you said. Thank you. Blog -worthy? Too funny! Maybe some day.

Richard, first, thanks very much. Second, shame! Don't get me wrong, I am glad you lurk...I mean watch the threads, but why are you denying us all the pleasure of seeing your work as well? That doesn't seem fair. Do you know how many of us linger and wait for the next post with such anticipation that we nearly drool? You could keep us from the painful disappointment on the days in which there aren't any new posts! I'm counting on you to make up for this one day soon.

Enzie, thank you. It was indeed so nice to have happy clients in such a prominent postiion. Of course every time a client is happy it's a huge relief and gives such satisfaction but you are right, it was especially nice for this one. I must say I did try very hard. I had the best help in the business too here at SOG!
Lisa Ober
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Old 08-26-2005, 08:30 AM   #23
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Lisa I can't add much more, but...

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Old 08-26-2005, 09:32 AM   #24
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Lisa, can you tell us how you go this commission? I know we'd all love to hear!
Michele Rushworth
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Old 08-26-2005, 09:38 AM   #25
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng is offline
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Congratulations, Lisa! I'm so glad the audience responded enthusiastically. It sounds like a very successful event, and I hope you get other commissions out of it. Don't forget to follow up on possible contacts.

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Old 08-27-2005, 08:05 PM   #26
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Elizabeth, thank you for the applause. Oh to be a rock star...

Michelle, yes, here is how I got this commission. You will laugh! I wish I could say it was some wonderful advertising trick I had up my sleeve. Nope.

The company formed a portrait committee knowing they wanted to commission a portrait for this occasion. As I understand it each member provided a list of potential candidates whom the committee would interview. The committee member who recommended me had commissioned me about 13 years ago to do a portrait of his dog! He said he thought it was so good that I must be able to paint people but wasn't sure if I did. Too funny. It just goes to show you that seemingly insignificant things can wind their way to one's future. Who would have thought? Anyway, after reviewing portfolios and doing interviews I am grateful to have had the opportunity regardless of how I got there. Right place, right time I suppose.

I also received comments about being professional, organized (ha ha), open to working with a committee, and living up to expectations and promises. I think these things are important for clients in the corporate world. I actually enjoyed the process so much. I often miss the business world and adult conversation. Sometimes it's lonely when you work alone in a studio and commissions like this make up for that. Thanks for asking.

Alexandra, thank you! It was nice being slightly popular for an evening. I have already received 4 more oil commissions for one person which I have begun working on. I met with the client yesterday and I am really excitied! Now that's the best result of any public appearance I have ever had. It was simply a lucky week.
Lisa Ober
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Old 08-27-2005, 08:49 PM   #27
Lacey Lewis Lacey Lewis is offline
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Congrats to you, Lisa! I was looking on in the thread where you were finishing the painting, and I've been excited watching this thread also. I can just imagine what you mean about being popular for a day! I can tell that this has been a big success for you and I wish you many more.
Lacey Lewis

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Old 08-28-2005, 01:22 AM   #28
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Congratulations Lisa!

Sounds like a great success and what a wonderful outcome for you! Well deserved
Terri Ficenec
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Old 08-28-2005, 05:38 PM   #29
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Lisa, I've really enjoyed following this thread. I'm so proud of you, even though I have no reason to be. You did all the work, all I did was watch.

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Old 08-29-2005, 04:37 PM   #30
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Lacey, thanks for the compliment and for watching the thread. I'm glad you liked it. I normally shy away from anyone seeing my work in process. This time I am so glad I posted because I got some great help.

Terri, thank you! I think it turned out as nicely as I could have hoped. It was really fun.

Jean, you are so sweet. Thank you for keeping an eye on me. I feel like a happy little baby bird. I'm under good care.
Lisa Ober
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