Originally Posted by John Reidy
Do you have a student named Stewart (first name), 11 years old? I have a nephew who lives in Oceanside and his son's name is Stewart and he loves drawing. He is really pretty good.
Thank you John for your comments. I teach high school so I wouldn't see him for another few years. Depending on where in Oceanside he lives, I may or may not see him (we have two high schools in Oceanside).
Thank you so much Terri. Your comments are always very much appreciated.
Originally Posted by Mary Smith
Congratulations David! I was shocked to realize you haven't had any commissions! Your work is stunning, you just need to market yourself a little and then I have no doubt it will take off from there.
Well Mary, I keep telling myself it will happen, but sometimes it seems like it will take forever. My immediate goal is to get enough work (color!) done by the end of the year to have a website. In the meantime I am so preoccupied with teaching that I go weeks without picking up a pencil or pastel to do my own work. I am so
not the businessman that I will need help with the marketing thing. Fortunately I have the Forum (you all!!) to answer all my questions. For that reason I don't let myself worry
too much...