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Old 03-11-2005, 07:21 AM   #11
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Garth, you already know what I think of this. I just don't know HOW you do it. When are you going to start having workshops?
I'm simply at a loss for words. Awesome seems not enough.
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Old 03-11-2005, 09:35 AM   #12
Terri Ficenec Terri Ficenec is offline
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Absolutely Stunning!

Talk about setting the bar Garth! Pure inspiration --and inspirational. This has so much life and energy. The expressions, the hair cascading in front of her face (so real!), the way you've handled that wrought iron seat, even. Can't say enough.

Thanks for posting the closeups!
Terri Ficenec
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Old 03-11-2005, 09:52 AM   #13
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
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This is so beautiful and what great close ups to study! Thank you for posting them. I love the juxtaposition of the girls' arms. I would imagine this is very hard to pull off without the arms looking awkward in space. But you have done a successful job of painting a sense of atmosphere and air around them. The whole piece has a sweet energy. I can hear the girls' chatter

Can I ask how many hours you think you put into this? I also like the fabric of the dresses, beautiful!
Pat Joyce
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Old 03-11-2005, 09:56 AM   #14
David Bottoni David Bottoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Scott Bartner

You keep getting better when I'm (nearly) certain it's impossible to do so. That image of the blond girl and that perfect nostril and the delicate treatment of her upper lip is poetry--I don't know how else to describe it.

If Sargent saw this, he'd demand a master class from you.
I am reading into Scott's comments and believe he is bestowing upon you the dubious distinction of becoming a living master This is a fantastic piece that is well beyond a portrait. This is a beautiful spontaneous work of art. When a scene, such as this one, presents itself serendipitously, it makes planning the work that much easier.
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Old 03-11-2005, 10:17 AM   #15
Jimmie Arroyo Jimmie Arroyo is offline
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Unbelievable. I've said it before, you are extremely modest. You'd be more then a fly on the wall in Sargent's circle, he'd be looking to you for inspiration on children. It would be more like Herrick's circle. I'll be returning to this as with many of your others for my own inspiration.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo

jimmie arroyo
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Old 03-11-2005, 10:39 AM   #16
Richard Monro Richard Monro is offline
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You have launched out of earth's orbit with this painting. Stunning! The rest of us mere mortals can only stare and gape. I keep going back and studying the picture and close ups. There is so much to learn from your technique. The softness, the sensitivity and the value structure! Thanks for the lessons.
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Old 03-11-2005, 10:42 AM   #17
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Garth, I've been looking at this painting and the closeups for the past ten minutes and this is so very beautifully painted. The edges are extraordinary and you are brilliant at depicting the textures of all of these surfaces. These dresses float.

Now that I've seen quite a few of your paintings, I have to add that what is incredibly impressive to me is the way you can adjust your style to suit the sensitivity of each painting. My hat goes off to you.
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Old 03-11-2005, 11:41 AM   #18
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Really?! Thanks!!

Dear Mary, Terri, Pat, David, Jimmie, Richard, and Linda,

You are my early-bird friends! I am overwhelmed, even floating on the ceiling as I awake to your kind praises! Too much at once! I am surprised because I was reallly getting kind tired of looking at this painting every day. Not that one can truly overdose on pretty girls though!

Mary: If you can convince me I have things to teach you may cause a paradigm shift in me. Thanks for your early feedback and help.

Terri: You threw that bar up out of sight with your recent commissions. Don't blame me! I am in awe of your improvement. Thank you too for early feedback and help during the recent shutdown. You made a quality difference in this painting's finish.

Pat: Thanks! I have lost track of the hours. Too many!

David: Thanks (I think). Well at least I am still living, but there's still much to master.

Jimmie: Thanks! You know I keep returning to your many many captivating portraits of real women. Inspiring!

Richard: Thanks. Don't worry, my feet are back on the cold ground. I have been a value control freak though. Sometimes the value nuances are more sensitively subtle than I can capture. I'm learning.

Linda: Thanks for your compliment! These paintings do seem to take their individual course. I feared I posted too many close-ups, but there is just so much going on in this portrait. Don't lose your hat!

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Old 03-11-2005, 12:10 PM   #19
Jane Bradley Jane Bradley is offline
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Every time I see you have posted something new I can't wait to see what it is - like opening a christmas present!! Each time is more wonderful than the last - Extraordinary...
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Old 03-11-2005, 12:23 PM   #20
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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The feeling is mutual!

Originally Posted by Jane Bradley
Every time I see you have posted something new I can't wait to see what it is - like opening a christmas present!! Each time is more wonderful than the last - Extraordinary...

Dear Jane,

I feel exactly the same when you post your penetrating portraits. Thanks so much. What would we do without this Forum?

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