Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
Would you spray this varnish on one of your pastels? This would give me the hebeejeebies!
I would try it on a scrap first, but yes I would probably spray it on my pastels. I do not as yet have a can. I ordered but it has taken a long time to come, so I am going to have to reorder it from another source.
I have been in touch with thier technical department about this spray for years. They have been working really hard on this and are aware of the problems inherent in pastel sprays. The most important aspects of pastel sprays are that they be non-darkening, even misting and rapid drying. I believe that they have tried to adress these problems.
Because I work in such an unusual and outsized format, I have been forced to do as much research on the pastel medium as possible. The technical department at Golden has been enormously helpful, vis-a-vis thier acrylic medium for pastels.
I SPRAY FOLKS! Some pastel sprays do darken and splat, but I find the Rowney Perfix to be about the best I have used so far. Sometimes I am hard put to tell the difference in color after I have sprayed with this product. As a matter of fact, Daniel Greene uses pastel spray to darken his pastels, so his lights sparkle. He discusses this in his book "Pastel", now unfortunately out of print. I grabbed the last copy at the Rhode Island School of Design book store 2-3 years ago and feel like I struck gold. It is worth trying to find a used one on the second-hand market.