WOW, this is what happens when I leave town!
I stepped out to visit a show I was in in Englewood Colorado and the whole gang comes in to post!
Chris has it right about the school. There are two session types. They call them portrait and nudes. Nudes are long pose or short. Not gesture there, as they do 20 minutes of two minute poses and 20 minutes the rest of the 2-1/2 hours of the evening. As far as the models themselves, some are artists. Susie Falk was just featured in our local Art Talk and her mother is the wonderful instructor out there, Joni Falk. Other models are active in the school and some are just in it for the fun. I find the artist seem to have the better sense of "themselves". They feel how they look.
And Cynthia is right. I post elsewhere (as I will this evening) what nudes I do. This is a site for the purpose of TRADITIONAL portraiture and I respect that. It is not always the same as figurative. I am in the process of trying to make people the way THEY want to look, not just how I see them, so I try to post my more successful attempts.
I saw your card hanging on the wall at Meinengers on Monday. Boy are we living in a small world. I was going to try to spread around samples and resumes to galleries but a holiday and a Monday just left me to shop. I also looked around in the Art Student's League. Denver is a really rich and supportive artist's environment if you ask me and I miss it.
I also made a stop over to see Terry Ludwig and we made pastels all morning. Well, he made them and I ooo'ed and ahhhhh'ed. It is going to be hard to go back to oils after my recent adventures in these magical sticks!