10-25-2003, 01:47 AM
Juried Member
Joined: Aug 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 671
Just finished this tonight. It's about 16x20, graphite and colored pencil on light gray Stonehenge. First time using colored pencil with graphite, I usually use white pastel, but felt this piece needed the color. Thanks.
10-25-2003, 04:10 AM
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Posts: 17
Compliment and Query
Great piece, I really like the way you have used the colour. I have on occasion thrown a little colour pencil in with graphite so I appreciate where you are coming from.
I do have a question, do you draw from life or use resource photos?
10-25-2003, 02:46 PM
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Location: New Jersey
Posts: 671
Rachel, thank you for the comments. I work from photos that I take myself. I work as a tattoo artist where I find most of my models. My boss lets me take the pictures in the shop, but the lighting is very strong, and due to inexperience, not sure how to set up artistic lighting. I don't work from life because of the time. My drawings usually take over 20 hours, and I pay the models with a 8x10 print of the piece, so I try to get them in and out as soon as possible. Even if I could afford, or get a model willing to pose for hours for no pay, I work on my drawings between 11pm-3am in my attic (nude drawing) or bedroom (clothed) so that'll be hard to set up.
Thanks again.
10-25-2003, 04:47 PM
SENIOR MODERATOR SOG Member FT Professional, Author '03 Finalist, PSofATL '02 Finalist, PSofATL '02 1st Place, WCSPA '01 Honors, WCSPA Featured in Artists Mag.
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You have done an excellent job on this piece, I feel this is my favorite of your portraits so far.
The model is wonderful, and you have placed her in a pose and composition that includes both strength and subtlety. I think this one of the best examples on the Forum of how to integrate the drawing and background in a vignette-type portrait.
It looks as it you are getting good visual information from your resource photos, despite the limits of your available photography space.
10-27-2003, 12:48 AM
Juried Member FT Professional
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Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland
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Excellent work, Jimmie!
I am not a fan of mixing color with graphite, but you sold me here. Your blend of detail with impressionism at the lower part of the drawing is very entertaining. Perhaps you will become a professional artist who tattoos his models on the side!
10-27-2003, 01:02 AM
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Chris, your comments mean a lot to me and are greatly appreciated.
Lon, thank you, and trust me, I wasn't too sure about the color thing and was very happy that I didn't ruin the drawing.  I would love one day to be able to support myself drawing, and tattooing be more of a hobby or source for some extra income (and a great way to find models).
Thanks again.
10-27-2003, 12:21 PM
'09 Third Place PSOA Ohio Chapter Competition
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Hi Jimmie,
I just love your portraits and I think you will be successful selling them, not just to a person who may place the order, but some glicees as well. I especially like this one and the way you used color. It's really wonderful.
You have probably already given us the information, but could you tell me what kind of paper you are drawing on?
I admire your working 'til the wee hours of the morning and I wish I had your stamina! Good luck and keep posting your portraits, I really enjoy seeing them.
10-29-2003, 09:46 AM
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Patty, thank you. To be honest, I have'nt considered doing anything with them at this point. I'm trying to first build up my portfolio to submit for gallery review. I've only been doing graphite since April/May, and finishing pieces has been priority. Once I can relax, I'll give the glicees thought, as it sounds like a very good idea.
Staying up at night is not by choice, trust me, I'd rather be sleeping!  Working during the day, and waiting for my wife and daughter to fall asleep, leaves me no other option. I made a promise to myself that I would have slides ready and to have at least submitted to one gallery before the end of the year. Two months left and I'm very close to keeping it. After that, I might take a little break. Maybe.
The paper is light gray Stonehenge. I pick it up at Pearl Paint if I need it immediately, or order it online. Thanks again.
10-30-2003, 08:03 AM
Juried Member PT pro
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Posts: 232
Nice drawing Jim. My favorite of all so far...keep them coming.
10-30-2003, 12:31 PM
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Joined: Mar 2002
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Posts: 44
Good morning Jimmie,
This is my first time responding to someone's work on the Forum. It is a pleasure for me to share with you what a impactful piece this is for me.
I especially admire your knowledge of value in this piece. I'm assuming that her blouse is very soft graphite (6B?). You've captured the weight of her arm, hand on her waist beautifully as well. Thank you for your continued posting. I've had the pleasure of watching your posts through this past year, starting for me, with your daughter. Also, the colored pencil is perfect touch. As Chris says, composition is excellent too. I love the negative space around her as well.
Continued success, and also admire your dedication to your work.
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