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Old 10-15-2003, 03:06 AM   #1
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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TV Opportunity

I am happy to announce that Oregon Public Broadcasting has approved my pilot film for a series on drawing to be aired on Fridays at 1:00 in Oregon. And, even more amazing, Chambers Communications, a very credible broadcasting company in the Northwest, is interested in producing it! I am bonkers. I was surprised when I heard that OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) wanted it. Then, having been asked for thirteen episodes, we (my original lone wolf producer and myself) realized that he probably could not get the job done without funding, since he could not even afford to buy blank DVDs.

I had pitched it to OPB last February by sending in my book and a five year old hour long VHS. They showed initial interest, and asked me to send a 27 minute version. I turned to the same producer to make the new version. It took several months to slate it, and another month to edit. My guy is talented, but busy, with 4 little babies under five years old to feed, and chronically "between jobs." He did a smashingly good job, though, on the new DVD with four cameras, a barrowed TV studio, boom and great lighting.

But, somehow there were questions in the back of my mind as to how we could pull off a series if we did get approved, seeing as it took so long to just get the one made. But, I figured, one step at a time.

I submitted the final DVD two months ago. I did not here from them. I was really quite confused, as I could no longer reach the man in Portland who was in charge. I got an answering system. I pretty much had given up on it.

Then, I tried one more time as I was driving home from the studio. I got him! He said, "Hasn't anyone called you?!" He had given it to his television program director right away as soon as he got it, and she was supposed to have called me. I called her, and she said to send thirteen episodes as soon as possible, all thirteen at once, not one at a time. It would take four months to air.

Then, I had an oil commission going for one of the anchor people on the TV station owned by Chambers. When I told him about my TV opportunity, he gave my stuff to the CEO at Chambers. That CEO called me a few days later, and set up a meeting with me.

The day after my meeting with Chambers, OPB sent me an email saying that as soon as I send them one single episode, it can be aired two weeks later! The rest could follow.

I am jazzed, and my only hope is that my electricity will not be shut off before this series gets going!

Lon Haverly www.lonhaverly.com
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Old 10-15-2003, 05:50 AM   #2
Carolyn Ortiz Carolyn Ortiz is offline
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Congratulations Lon! That
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Old 10-15-2003, 07:17 AM   #3
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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I can "hear" the excitement in your voice. Best Wishes!
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Old 10-15-2003, 09:59 AM   #4
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Congratulations, Lon! Do you know what the shows will be called, so we can look for them when they air in our local areas?
Michele Rushworth
[email protected]
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Old 10-15-2003, 10:50 AM   #5
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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B-da, b-da, b-da, I hope it comes to your area! That would be terrific! It will be called "You Can Draw!" with Lon Haverly, after my book by the same title.

Thank you!
Lon Haverly www.lonhaverly.com
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:01 AM   #6
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
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Lon, Congratulations! This is so exciting. I hope it airs in Cleveland, Ohio but my son lives in Port Angeles, WA. If it gets to him I'll have him tape it. What an amazing journey this will be for you...good luck with the other 12 episodes!!
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Old 10-15-2003, 05:12 PM   #7
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Lon, I am so excited and happy for you! You deserve this. I hope I'll get to see the series.
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Old 10-15-2003, 09:31 PM   #8
Juan Martinez Juan Martinez is offline
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That really is terrific news! Break a leg!

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Old 10-15-2003, 10:43 PM   #9
Marvin Mattelson Marvin Mattelson is offline
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Will you be drawing "happy lines"?
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:17 PM   #10
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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Haa! Very happy lines!

Thank you all!!

I am such a neophyte, and just because I get a TV show on OPB does not necessarily mean I am a great artist, I know. It is curious timing the way this came about, and quite frankly, I could be doing Pet Rocks, and Chambers would have wanted to produce it if it was approved for OPB. But, it is a great opportunity to expound on my theories, and try to influence kids to learn to draw, and to encourage art in our society through the teaching of the very basic fundamentals. That is what I will focus on, the very primary basics.

I appreciate this forum so much. It is a great source of encouragement to so many. I am a very isolated artist. Even though I draw in public, I am very isolated from the artworld because of my area of expertise. Sketch artists like me are not taken seriously by most, even though I take myself seriously.

Thanks to all!
Lon Haverly www.lonhaverly.com
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