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Old 03-11-2005, 01:03 PM   #1
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Frame Shop

I wasn't sure where to put this, let me know if I need to move it.

Yesterday I got a phone call from one of my clients while they were at the local frame shop having their portrait framed. It was a pastel, and the framer had told her it needed to be sprayed. I told her it was fine and to frame as is.

Well, I ran into the same woman at kindergarten orientation this morning and was shocked to find out the real story. She said that while they were picking out matts and frames the owner came out with a can of fixative and was getting ready to spray it. Laura asked her what she was doing and the woman told her that it needed to be sprayed or would flake. Is this bothering anyone like it bothers me?

She told Laura that it would make it darker, but that she wouldn't know the difference. UH- WHAT? this is REALLY making me a little mad, or am I over reacting.? Now I am wondering how many other things clients have taken up there to be framed that this woman has taken it upon herself to "fix". I use fixative VERY little for a reason, I don't want it to change. I don't usually use this woman, to me she is way overpriced, but I do know alot of people do. You know the type, the one's that think it is better because it costs more.

Have you ever heard of another framer do such?
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Old 03-11-2005, 07:50 PM   #2
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Actually I find that pretty appalling. The framers I know would NEVER do anything to alter the surface of the painting unless requested by the artist.

Just to be sure, I tell people that they are to specifically tell the framer NOT to spray the surface.
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Old 03-11-2005, 08:13 PM   #3
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I'm a pretty calm fellow, but, if I found that someone had, or was threatening to, squirt my pastel I would be in my trusty Jeep so quick it would make my head spin. I would have a conversation with them regardless.
Mike McCarty
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Old 03-11-2005, 10:55 PM   #4
Kimberly Dow Kimberly Dow is offline
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I'd be totally furious and take it upon myself to educate these idots - and tell them you do recommend framers to your clients so they realize its business. It should be illegal for them to do what they almost did.

"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn
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Old 03-12-2005, 06:10 AM   #5
Carolyn Bannister Carolyn Bannister is offline
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I would be furious as well, I have just found out the hard way about fixatives and pastels. The painting I did of the couple, posted in the new member intros, doesn't look remotely like that anymore. I was taking it to be framed and sprayed it before I left the house. I didn't really take much notice but when I took it out of the folder at the framers, did I get a shock. They both look as though they have spent far too long under the sun lamp!! Also, all the white highlights had disappeared.

Can it be fixed?
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Old 03-12-2005, 07:17 AM   #6
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Thanks, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't over reacting. And to think everyone thinks they are "THE" place to go. I'll call them today.

Carolyn, they never actually sprayed that one, we stopped them.
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