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Old 05-26-2003, 02:34 AM   #31
Linda Fried Linda Fried is offline
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I Cheated on that one too!


I'm laughing, because that's one question I was also looking for a third choice: "Neither".

I am so envious of you taking your road trip and the great class you're going to be taking.
I wish I could join you, but I doubt that Marvin could handle us both!

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Old 05-26-2003, 09:01 AM   #32
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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This is an interesting conversation. I'm 10 right/9 left, so it makes sense that I've created this web site which I would say is a combination of right/left. But, on the test, there were several questions where I wanted a third choice of "both" but math wasn't one of them. Algebra was my worst subject. I find if I don't get some stimulation on both sides, something feels missing although the aesthetic creativity gets missed the most.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

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Old 05-26-2003, 02:58 PM   #33
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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I'm 12/7 with right brain dominant also but I haven't analyzed my answers. Makes sense because of all the boards I sit on and my enjoyment of the legal puzzles they often bring me. Don't know what that has to do with my art, but I can't paint something I can't see. People who can achieve a likeness without having the subject in front of them in some form have always awed me.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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Old 05-27-2003, 12:05 AM   #34
Catherine Muhly Catherine Muhly is offline
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I got a score of 15/4 right brain dominant. I wonder if any of you other "ARBIES" (R.B., as in "right" "brainers") have difficulties with clutter, procrastination, time management and stuff like that. I have the book for you, if so: Organizing for the Creative Person by Dorothy Lehmkuhl & Dolores Cotter Lamping.

Incidentally, have any of you 'arbies' been diagnosed with ADD or AD/HD? It's curious, but dealing with ADD without meds is very much like following the recommendations in this book. I've heard tell that ADD was once under-diagnosed; now it's over-diagnosed. Hm! I wonder if ADD (AD/HD) is right-brain dominance dressed up as a pathology.
Cathy Muhly
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Old 05-27-2003, 12:20 AM   #35
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Catherine, I suspect that ADD is simply one end of a normal continuum of neurological functionality, and perhaps not at the extreme tail of the bell-shaped curve, either. I'll have to take a look at the book you mentioned to see how they recommend dealing with it, but in my experience (years in school psychology) meds are the best way to cope for the average family that encounters the disorder. Few people have the resources and intestinal fortitude to embark on exacting behavioral interventions and meanwhile the kid suffers.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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Old 05-27-2003, 12:30 AM   #36
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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I'm wondering how you can be so right brain dominant and yet had a successful career in computer programming. That's an intriguing surprise.

The ADD, ADHD question is very interesting. I think that typical schooling simply isn't geared to address certain types of children. When my son dropped out during his senior year of high school, I was so relieved...can you believe it? His schooling was totally stressful and traumatic for me because he had no interest and it was a daily battle from the beginning of his schooling.

But, then he went and did the GED pre-testing and I got a big shock. He got almost honors in everything. That was about 9 years ago.

After many glowing articles over the last few years, this last December, he was written up in the St. Petersburg Times for his chef accomplishments...his restaurant was chosen "Best Both Sides of the Bay" (Tampa Bay). He was totally responsible for the last 3 years for creating the menu and totally running the kitchen. When he gets really interested in something, he's unstoppable and his learning ability is unbelievable...he soaks it up like a sponge almost like he has photographic memory.

He was diagnosed as ADD when he was 16. They recommended medication, but he refused to do so out of pride.

I've also read that some of the artistic greats of the past were manic-depressive...is that the same as bi-polar? It's late and my memory is failing here.

Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

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Old 05-27-2003, 12:36 AM   #37
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Cynthia, my son is also ADD and I've worked with many ADD kids professionally as well. And yes, bipolar is another term for manic-depressive; it refers to the two emotional extremes of mania and depression that sometimes characterize the disorder. Glad to hear that your son is doing so well! You must be extremely proud.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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Old 05-27-2003, 12:40 AM   #38
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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We were posting at eactly the same time! Yes, indeed I am a proud and relieved mom. But, it's still hard to get him to pay his bills on time and take care of other routine things. Just seems like there are certain kinds of creative minds that just aren't connected to this earthly plane.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

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Old 05-27-2003, 12:48 AM   #39
Lon Haverly Lon Haverly is offline
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I am 9/10, but I comment on the other part of this thread. I am different because I am an artist, not an artist becuse I am different. Because of all the training I enjoyed as a very small child, I became an artist, not because I had any unique qualities. I just needed to make money! Drawing did that for me.

It is a symptom of an uneducated (in art) society that we have so relatively few artists. Many more people could be artists if they were trained as I was as a very small child. Is art a gift, or is it something that can be learned? Is that the criteria of being "different?" I believe it can be learned. It stands to reason that if you do not teach someone math, they will not become mathematicians. Isn't it the same with art?
Lon Haverly www.lonhaverly.com
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Old 05-27-2003, 01:31 AM   #40
Linda Fried Linda Fried is offline
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...he soaks it up like a sponge almost like he has photographic memory.

That brings up another question I've been wondering. Do any of my fellow RBD (Right Brained Dominant) artists have a photographic memory? I have one that is especially accurate for numbers, though math was always my worst subject. I have a photographic memory for other things as well, but numbers are always right on.

For all the 25 years I was married to my ex-husband, he would ask me his father's telephone number when he wanted to call.

Of course he is total LBD, and an engineer....

If one is to love oneself, one must behave in ways that one can admire. (Irvin Yalom)
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