The key to sucessful teaching is surrounding oneself with talented and wonderful students such as Fran. Fran didn't start painting until after she retired as a NYC schoolteacher. She just keeps getting better and is an inspiration to us all. As one of my younger students would say, "Boy, that lady, she sure can paint!"
Many of my SVA students have been requesting the opportunity to be abused by me twice a week, so this fall I'm adding a second class. Many have expressed the desire to concentrate on drawing one day and painting the next. However, the Friday class is officially listed as a painting class (as is Saturday's).
My classes are loosely structered in that each student can work on whatever area they choose to, always using the live model as their basis. It's all the same stuff, when you really get down to it. It's all drawing! If people try to hide in a safe area they may receive the royal boot.
If anyone hasn't had the opportunity to check out examples of my student's work, please go to: I will be adding more examples soon.
This is all work of people (up to now) taking one class per week. I feel that the work rivals the quality of work produced in schools where students are able to paint five or more days a week. I'm a very proud Papa!