Well she's about as done as I can make her. Enzie, I fixed her broken knuckle (did I forget to say she's a boxer)

. I gave it to her this afternoon and she was very happy with it. I'm trying to get her husband to pose next. He's very black, gorgeous, sexy, and I really want to paint him!
If I had it to do over I would have changed the position of her hand. I believed when I did it that the fingers would draw the eye back to her face. But, all the fingers should have curved back for it to have worked. The back of the couch could have been thought out better. By the time I really knew what I was going to do there was too much pastel built up. I scraped and scrubbed it off, but still had a hard time in that area.
For the positive, it was a great learning experience! Using different colors in her face, skin tones,hair, I had a good time doing this. What do you think?