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Old 07-03-2011, 10:43 AM   #1
Marvin Mattelson Marvin Mattelson is offline
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Joined: May 2002
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Atlanta portrait workshop with Marvin Mattelson

I'll be teaching a two week workshop that starts next week in Atlanta. It runs from Sunday July 10 through Saturday July 23. For more information please go to: http://www.fineartportrait.com/atlan..._workshop.html

These are some comments from one of my Cleveland students last month:

Hi Marvin!

Thank you for the email and attachments. I more than enjoyed your workshop and wanted to express that as well as possible. The words that I will use, however, cannot begin to explain what a positive experience it was for me. I never anticipated how overwhelming it would be! I will have to admit I struggled with applying your concepts, but with patience, I am determined to make them work for me. I cannot think of anything in the workshop that was negative in any way, except, perhaps my abilities! I feel that may be mainly from my lack of experience and education. But, now I have much more!

I had searched for the last three years for information I could learn and use. I found some useful things, I thought, in classes, and met a couple of people that helped me in some ways. I looked at attending other workshops, but nothing advertised seemed worth the time, effort, or money. Many workshops, of course, are held in somewhat enticing locations..(.other than Cleveland..haha), which makes them less practical from an economic view. The key for getting participants appeared to be the location, not necessarily, the education factor. But, I wasn't looking for a vacation.

I saw your workshop listed in the Institute's continuing education summer brochure, and I was pretty certain that was the right direction for me. I went to your website for additional information, and, upon reading your philosophy, I immediately signed up, although, with some trepidation. When I received the materials list, at first a bit staggered by it, I got my head into it, and really enjoyed the initial experience. I believe the gathering and organizing process helps to give a sense of what lies ahead at your workshop.

I can truly say the rest is history, and you have changed my way of thinking forever. Now I have this storehouse of information in my brain (still working pretty well) and, fortunately in the form of my many notes taken during the workshop. I have all of your printed materials organized for easy reference. Now I am getting organized and back to drawing and painting. (Although my husband still anticipates those home-cooked meals!)

Your workshop is truly great for so many reasons; organization certainly being a key. It's more than that, of course, because, to make it all work requires a great deal of effort on your part and on the part of the participants. You put a great deal of energy into everything you teach. Or, should I say, your teaching is energizing? You accept all levels of students willing to learn, which is another important factor. I know we all benefited greatly from this! How many ways can I say that I learned so much! I am still thinking about everything, and will continue to do so. Also, enjoyed your very funny anecdotes, as well!

I am so glad to learn you will return to Cleveland next year and I look forward to that time! Hope to stay in touch.
Below are some pics of my demo painting from Cleveland.
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Marvin Mattelson
[email protected]
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