Artist Friends Create Creativity
I'm sold on having more artist friends--what a great way to spur creativity!
Mara and I met on the forum recently and, by coincidence, realized that she was staying in the town next to mine for the Holidays. Excited, I invited her to my studio to chat about art. After a great conversation, we decided to have a little fun with my paints and some scrap plywood.
Although I can't speak for Mara, I must say that I was so energized by our visit. She stretched me to be looser with my brush, more purposeful in my emphasis, and more spontaneous with my ideas. She made me realize that I'm not the only artist to go through a phase of feeling more like a "painter" than an "artist"--a "copier" instead of a "creator"--and that starting out as a copyist painter doesn't preclude you from being an expressive artist. Although both of us are finding our styles and developing our creativity, I felt just as excited and inspired as when working with a seasoned professional. Something about working with another artist is just . . . wonderful. Thanks for coming, Mara!
If anyone is interested, our results were neither portrait nor figure work, but Mara did hers in 20 minutes (the vertical composition) and mine took 30 minutes (the square composition).