Very interesting and excellent, well thought out comments.
Over the holiday I was reading "Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards and this text had another really good answer to what art can bring, that a photo may not be able to. The author explains that there are two ways of seeing and experiencing life, one using the left, analytical side of the brain, and one using the right, intuitive side of the brain. The average (non-artist) person in our society spends most of their time in the left brain and really aren't truely seeing, or experiencing the right side of the brain much at all.
Here's where an artist can help. Viewing an exceptional piece of art "seems to cause a viewer to shift to the artist's mode of seeing" according to Edwards. Photos seem to me a little easier to dismiss as something or someone we've seen/experienced before. Where fine art can take the mind on a nice little journey.
Reading this was a nice "Aha" moment for me.