I've just finished re reading this thread, I posted several months ago, and the discussion is very interesting. Obviously the forum needs an injection of new ideas, new people or new inspiration. THis is my first year on SOG and I'm still a relatively new portrait artist. ( I painted my first portrait 3 years ago, today) I work hard at my portraiture and avidly seek out any source of information in order to improve my painting. This can be via attending art galleries, shows, workshops from visitng pro artists, joining societies and of course participating in forums similar to SOG. There are many artists out there just like me who also seek input. We are prepared to pay.
There are also many top level portrait artists out there who are striving to make a living, this includes second tier aritists ( as previously descibed) and don't have time to do freebie critiquing.
I can see an obviously solution. If there was a section on SOG were I could pay a professsiosnal or talented artist to critque my work I would willingly pay. Any artist that wished to participate could list their name on the SOG section and members could contact them via email or PM for a critique. SOG would retain a small fee for the service. The critiquing artist would be reimbursed for his/her time and the member artist would get a critique from an artist they admire and respect. WIn/win. Critiques could be posted on SOG for all to read at the discretion of the paying artist. I'd have no problem posting my critiques for all to read as i had already gained the value of having my work critiqued .
Just a thought.