(Belated) Thanks, Tom!
Two related bits of publicity for Apotheoun:
The Artist's Magazine
24th Annual Art Competion , has awarded Apotheoun, and two of my other portraits here on the Forum, as Finalists, in the Portrait and Figure category.
Also, the Artist's Magazine 2008 Limited-Edition Calendar, has Apotheoun published, representing the month of August.
Incidentally, John Ennis has a painting represented for April (congratulations, John!).
The other two Finalist portraits of mine in the Portrait and Figure category are
Jane and Iona , and
Arianna and Taylor .
Also for the Portrait and Figure category of Finalists, kudos on this Forum go to:
Marina Dieul Montreal QC
Kimberly Dow Corpus Christi TX
John Ennis Yardley PA
J. Kirk Richards Provo UT
Alexandra Tyng Narberth PA
The complete list in is here:
Also kudos to Thomasin Dewhurst, Finalist in the Experimental category.
Currently, Apotheoun and Arianna and Taylor are also on display at the Wayne Art Center, in Wayne, PA, as a part of the current group exhibition, "
Portraiture: A Philadelphia Tradition" ; Through November 16, 2007.