No turp, radio
I do not use the stand oil and turpentine mixture you attribute to me for the purposes of oiling out. If you recall, I used only cold pressed linseed oil, in the workshops you attended, when I oiled out my painting prior to scumbling.
I try my darnedest to avoid turpentine in the studio for toxicity reasons and I even use walnut oil for cleaning brushes so as to avoid the less dangerous (than turps) mineral spirits.
I do, however, add literally one drop of turpentine to one drop of linseed oil and 1/3 of a drop of clove oil to the paint I use to create my wash-in under-painting in the workshop.
What I said at the workshop was that I sometimes may add a very small amount of stand oil, thinned with turpentine, to the linseed oil, if the pure linseed oil beads up over the surface I want to unsink. This very rarely ever happens, by the way.
On another note, nothing good can result from adding clove oil to keep the piles of paint wet. It's my understanding that it can lead to darkening and, if painted over, cracking.