There is an acrylic varnish called "JW's Right-Step Matte Varnish" and this product seems to be the perfect inert barrier that I have been looking for! I'll post later to confirm if this really works in making this paint more versatile by allowing us to mix media.
I am very interested in using Genesis in my underpainting, but also would like to use oil + medium for the upper layers. I searched the posts to see if it was reported that the varnish barrier works. Have you gotten good results from this?
Also, regarding the drying gun, I have double ovens, so they are both smallish. I'm afraid nothing bigger than 20" x 16" will fit in it. The drying gun would be the best alternative for me as I have no space for the Genesis oven. Has anyone tried the gun?
I am very anxious to try Genesis, any feedback would be appreciated.