A moment, a revelation the next thing you know is that you gazed through the frame of Mrs. Harris. This is all we know at times, until, next time. As you are well aware there is more to the things around us than what we know and see. Where does one connect to understand is but a start. If one looks to self and spends a lifetime there what will the end result be? Philosophy is not my thing but the truth is. As a artist, I wish to know the truth and walk that narrow path of the truth. For broad is the way and many travel on it but that road leads to --. There is a saying that many roads lead to Rome but only one leads to the truth. I believe the same can apply to art.
Allowing the things created to speak, I believe, will get you closer to where one needs to be. I really like your "real sense of flesh and character" approach. Many artists copy what they see, and most of us do this quite well, but the feeling that you can reach out and touch is hardly there. In many cases it is close but if we are not looking for it, I do not think that we will find it let alone understand.
Thank you Thomasin for bringing this up and sharing your thoughts and work. I am glad that what I saw in you, when you introduced your self to the forum, is coming to lite.