I don't waste time over Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke trying to convince someone of the value of an original work and the time, love and angst that go into its creation. It will never work and they will never appreciate it. I have clients waiting and willing to pay for a portrait and just disregard the others.
I envy your backlog. You must be doing a lot of things right. There are times, in the ups and downs of my career, that I would gladly dine on an RC Cola and a Moon Pie to gain a commission. I do take your point though. Not everyone can be convinced of the merits of what we do. I will try to give people the benefit of what I have learned. I will do this if I perceive that they are simply ignorant and seek knowledge. We are all ignorant in some subject. There are others however, who go way beyond the [correctable] state of ignorance. These I try to recognize early and depart their company.
I think it is in this vein that I approach this subject. I don