Let me introduce myself: my name is Bianca Berends, I am a portrait artist living and working in The Netherlands. I am working full time as a portrait painter since about 5 years. In 2004 one of my portraits was chosen for the BP Portrait Exhibition in the National Portrait Gallery in London.
I attended the Academy for Fine Art in Maastricht from 1989 untill 1994, after getting my degree I chose to go to university and study art and culture on a more theoretical level. I graduated with honors in 2000. Worked in an office for about a year and found it was not my thing, took the leap and started working as an artist and teaching at different art centres.
At the moment I am studieing the method of John Howard Sanden. I bought some of his dvd's and books. My style is similar to his and it is great to have an example and not have to discover everything yourself. I greatly enjoy it. Sargent and Frans Hals (a fellow countryman!) are big examples for me.
I am thinking about attending a summercourse portrait painting at the Florence Academy of Art next summer. Has someone done the same course in de past? I will browse the forum also for this information.
My website (english version is coming!) :
portretschilder Bianca Berends